
How to find files by date on mac
How to find files by date on mac

Noteby default, Finder does not show the Mac path for files. Configure other parameters, like size, name, extension, and so on. This folder includes Applications, Library, System and Users – but also includes a lot of hidden folders and files. Here is how to use Smart Folder to find files on Mac: Open New Smart Folder. Click in the search box to make the Search Tools tab available on the ribbon, then click the Date modified button and choose one of the available options. Now you will see your disk in the Locations section of the Finder (or the Devices section in older macOSs). You will find your Mac listed under Locations.Click on Finder > Settings/Preferences.If you don’t see a Macintosh HD folder (or whatever you have named your main disk) in the left-hand column when you open the Finder here’s what to do: This Library folder is located inside what is often referred to as the Macintosh HD folder – but yours will probably be named whatever you have called your Mac. The second library folder isn’t hidden as such, but it is still tricky to locate thanks to changes Apple’s made to the Finder over the years. Click on it to go straight to the folder. You will see the ~/Library folder listed below the Home folder. If youre trying to clean up your Mac, using the Finder to locate large and forgotten files works, but its not the simplest of ways.

how to find files by date on mac how to find files by date on mac

Just is to do the following:Īlt (Option) and choose Go from the dropdown menu bar at the top of the screen. There is in fact an even easier way to find your hidden ~/Library/ folder.

How to find files by date on mac